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The consequences of anal sex, The consequences of oral sex, The consequences of safe sex, The Consequences of self sex

The consequences of anal sex, The consequences of oral sex, The consequences of safe sex, The Consequences of self sex
The consequences of anal sex.
_ okay, does anyone else see an egg around here?
_ maybe if we spread out.
_ yo! what stinks?
_ yuck! don't touch the walls.

The consequences of oral sex.
_ Guys... I think we're being digested.
_ great! just great! perfect!
_ hey! I found the egg!
_ that's a grape, you nimrod.

The consequences of safe sex.
_ hey! what crives?
_ move it back!
_ you're kidding, right?
_ Maybe she's a virgin!
_ gret real.

The Consequences of self sex.
_ what are we doing out here?
_ that's it! I'm putting in for a transfer!
_ who's the groon?
_ whoa! check out the staples on this babe!

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